Tag : Tellason
Shop Review: VMC
Switzerland: the world’s multilingual neutral ‘bank reserve’ famously known for its fine chocolate, watches and most recently Roger Federer. As the largest city with nearly 400.000...
Shop Review: 14 oz. Berlin
Karl-Heinz Müller is a visionary. Beside his creation of the Bread & Butter tradeshow he is also one of the leading high-end retailers in Europe...
Shop Review: Burg&Schild
“This is a store for real men who seek clothes not costumes.” This is how Burg&Schild describe their business themselves. The name of the shop is an...
Shop Review: Wardrobe 19
In 2010, according to Statistics Denmark 18,000 new companies were set up in Denmark. One of these was Wardrobe 19, but while half of those...