Pure Blue Japan (PBJ), or Syoaiya, was established by Japanese denimhead Ken-ichi Iwaya in the historic city of Kurashiki in Japan’s Okayama prefecture. Since its founding...
The near obsessive following EVISU have garnered since their inception in 1991 has been down to their equally obsessive attention to detail when making jeans....
Kenley Chittick, a 28-year-old living in The Netherlands, learned how to sew jeans and jackets by watching a YouTube video. He was managing a jean shop...
RPMWEST is celebrating their 1st anniversary with a new Kickstarter campaign. They offer a special limited batch of 5 fine Japanese selvedge denims, including a denim...
Denim forum guru Andrea Baburske, more commonly known by her alias ‘beatle’, introduced her own jeans earlier this year. Now she’s ready with a denim...