GlossaryRing DyeingEditorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 2019 by Editorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 20190432 A characteristic of indigo dye, where only an outer ring of fibers in the yarn is dyed, leaving a white core. Source: Tellason Denim Terminology
GlossaryRight Hand TwillEditorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 2019 by Editorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 20190352 A denim weave where the twill line rises to the right, the majority of denim is woven as right-hand twill. Also known as “Z” twill.
GlossaryRed TabEditorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 2019 by Editorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 20190390 The red tab was introduced in 1936 as means of identifying genuine Levi’s jeans as they hadn’t yet trademarked the arcuate on the back pocket,
GlossaryPre-ShrunkEditorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 2019 by Editorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 20190368 A term used to describe denim fabric that has been pretreated to ensure consistent garment shrinkage. Source: Tellason Denim Terminology
GlossaryOz. (Ounce)Editorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 2019 by Editorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 20190392 The weight of denim is determined after weaving in ounces per square yard. Regular jeans are sewn from 11-14 oz. denim, but brands like Iron
GlossaryOxidationEditorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 2019 by Editorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 20190366 Oxidation is a central part of the dyeing process that occurs when the indigo dyed yarn between dips is levitated out of the indigo bath and gets in contact
GlossaryOverdyeEditorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 2019 by Editorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 20190350 Application of additional colour to the fabric or garment to achieve a different shade or cast. Source: Tellason Denim Terminology
GlossaryOpen End SpinningEditorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 2019 by Editorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 20190340 A spinning process where fibers are fed into a high-speed rotor shaped like a cup. The end of a yarn is placed inside and drawn
GlossaryMicronaireEditorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 2019 by Editorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 20190395 A means of measuring the fineness of cotton fiber. Source: Tellason Denim Terminology
GlossaryMercerisationEditorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 2019 by Editorial | MarcJanuary 8, 2010June 5, 20190419 An industrial process used on yarn or fabrics to increase the luster and dye affinity. On denim the process is used to create a flat,