Rope Dye Crafted Goods

Regular Lower East Side Days with Self Edge

Regular Lower East Side Days with Self Edge

It’s that time of year again when Self Edge drops their lookbook and we reach for the chequebook.

If you know denim, you know Self Edge. The San Francisco branch opened in 2006 as one of the pioneering retailers of quality Japanese selvedge denim. Since then, owner Kia Babzani has teamed up with Andrew and Johan of 3sixteen to open the New York and Los Angeles branches and Kia himself has two further stores, one in Portland and another down in Mexico.

Epitomise the local vibe

Each store is curated to house products that epitomise the vibe of their location. You’re not going to need 21 oz jeans in Mexico and I doubt you’ll have too much call for board shorts in Portland.

Next up, New York!

Every year they look to one of their host cities to inform the spirit of their lookbook. We’ve had the Lost Island of San Francisco and the San Jose del Cabo beach of Mexico with the La Playita boys. This year it’s New York’s turn!

Just look at those brands!

The lookbook showcases some of the finest pieces from the Self Edge portfolio. Brands like Nine Lives, Sugar Cane, The Flat Head, Studio D’Artisan, Stevenson Overall Co. Iron heart to name but a few. They are donned by guys that look like they were found outside a local coffeehouse or in a garage fixing up Mustangs.

Punk-ass kids

They then take to the Lower East Side with the swagger of the 80s Beastie Boys. The pictures by photographer Dustin Fuchtman capture that hassle that New York in so well associated with and give us glimpses of that “punk ass” nature of the New Yorker. Did Marge really want that kiss? And are you really delivering vegetables? Nope, didn’t think so!

One thing for sure, they are the best dressed punk ass kids I’ve ever seen!

You can check out all the gear and much more besides over on the Self Edge website. Or hell, drop by one of the stores in SF, NY, LA, PDX!

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