Rope Dye Crafted Goods

New Release from Ginew: “WE WALK TOGETHER” Blanket Lined HERITAGE COAT

Teaming up with the archetype blanket mill, Pendleton, Ginew brings their Native American Heritage to bear on their latest release.

Our friends over in Portland, Ginew just dropped something very cool.


Ok, you’re right. Sorry, I have not caught you up on these guys before.

Ginew is just one of these brands where you see the garments, meet the people behind the brand and you are instantly hooked. There is just something intrinsically genuine about the people and the products.

Family Owned, Historically Inspired

Owned and operated by husband and wife Erik and Amanda, Ginew makes what they refer as “heirloom goods”. Meaning that what they craft can be handed down from generation to generation.

This inherent feeling of quality throughout their collection stems from the roots of the brand and of Eric and Amanda themselves. Coming from Native American Ojibwe, Oneida and Mohican heritage they pull together elements of their family’s history of craft in professions such as blacksmiths, farmers, machinists and welders and channel this narrative to inspire a collection of garments and accessories.

Unique in the World of Denim

Ginew is the only Native American Owned premium denim collection in the world with a dedication to crafting their goods from the best of American made materials fusing Native style and workwear.

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Native – Americana

Their latest release is the perfect example of this blend of workwear and Native – Americana, The Heritage Coat featuring Ginew® “WE WALK TOGETHER” blanket lining woven by the archetype blanket manufacturers, Pendelton.

“In designing the Ginew Heritage Coat, we recreated a meaningful garment as it was worn by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers in daily life. By exploring our Anishinaabe and Oneida heritages, we came to appreciate the rich history of work and dedication. When we wrap ourselves in this coat, we wrap ourselves in the ways of our ancestors. The premium, American-made materials of our Heritage Coat are not just wool, cotton and brass; they are oral histories, old photographs, and traditional lore. Coats such as these were more than mere garments: they were work tools, worn in the machine shops, forests, and fields by relatives who dedicated themselves to the hard labour of providing for their families.”

The Heritage Coat was the very first garment that Ginew created. For this season, they add their proprietary “WE WALK TOGETHER” wool blanket fabric as a lining to the coat.

“It is customary in our communities to wrap a newly joined couple in a blanket to symbolize their union. The WE WALK TOGETHER blanket colours represent the sacred day (sunrise to sunset) and wampum belt (purples), teachings which impart values to guide us in our life together. The lodges are in the shape of traditional Ojibwe and Oneida dwellings. The crest fuses timeless symbols from each of our tribes, the dwelling (Ojibwe) and Skydome (Oneida). Together, the colours and symbols represent how we value our traditional beliefs in our home as we walk this journey of life together.”

The Heritage Coat is classic work style but the fit has been updated to suit a more contemporary look. Each coat is constructed with 2017 White Oak Cone Mills 13.75 oz. selvedge denim, a custom wool blanket lining woven for Ginew by Pendleton, custom Ginew hardware, and custom quilted silk sleeve lining. Each coat is made in the USA

The release of this coat happily coincides with an interview I did a few weeks ago at the Selvedge Run trade show. It is a chance meet Amanda and Erik, to hear the story of the brand and learn how to pronounce Ginew correctly. Something I still struggle with as you’ll see on the Vlog. Sorry guys.

If you want to get hold of one of these beautiful coats, head over to the Ginew website.

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