Rope Dye Crafted Goods

Dust, Desert and Denim. The Latest Lookbook from Indigofera

Joshua Tree Indigofera Lookbook Ropedye

With Joshua Tree as a backdrop, Indigofera brings us one of the most beautiful photo shoots we’ve seen in a long time.

A good lookbook is a tool that a brand can use to tell a story. It sets the clothing in the context that the guys behind the brand envisioned it in. It gives the vibe and the ethos, and gets to the very heart of the people who conceive and make the clothing.

One of the best we have seen in a long time is the latest shoot from Indigofera. Shot over a couple of days on location in Joshua Tree in the USA, the collection of images instantly instils the brand’s values and philosophy, setting it in the backdrop where the garments look just as at home as the individuals wearing them.

We catch up with Indigofera founder Mats Andersson to hear how this all came together.

Setting the Scene

RD: This is a pretty amazing shoot, how did it all come about?

The whole thing took place out at Joshua Tree in the US. The whole reason we go out that way is because of Juniper Ridge and Desert and Denim.

We were part of hatching that idea back in the day but the guys from Juniper Ridge were the ones bringing it to life. We were there the first time, but these pictures come from our second trip over.

It was so inspiring and we met so many great people there. It is a place where Indigofera developed and evolved. It is one of these places where you look back and think, something really started to happen there.

A Welcome Return

The same friend has taken the pictures right from the start of Indigofera, but (laughs) we didn’t have money to do new pictures for the last couple of years. Calle Stoltz, he’s been doing this for a long time and knows how to show the passion through photographs.

He’s famous for his corporate jobs with brands like Volvo, but when he has some time left over, he brings his bottle of Jack and hangs with us. Through Calle’s photographs, we show what Indigofera is and who we are. We carved this out in 2008-09, but it has been 6 years since the last time we did it.

We just picked up where we left off and evolved it a little.

When we went to Desert and Denim, we said, “what the hell, let’s try to bring Calle”. He had some time free, so he joined, and we had no plan. Let’s just go to the desert and see what happens.

Local Tallent

We quite quickly found our models, they’re locals. Ryan Drobatz, the longhaired guy, he’s a carpenter out there. Then we have Tobias Hayduk, one of the guys from Desert and Denim and another friend of ours, Josh, the guy with beard and bike and tattoos and finally Björn Tallving. It was pretty organic.

Calle just took them into the desert and started to work for a good two and half days. He just threw stuff into the car and went out there. We were out before the sun came up, capturing the good light and the vibe.

This is all in about a 30-40 km radius around Joshua Tree, there is so much cool stuff out there. It was all by chance, but we came back with these pictures we are super happy with.

Get the Look

Head over to the Pancho and Lefty for the full range of Indigofera gear.

Desert and Denim from Juniper Ridge on Vimeo.

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