Rope Dye Crafted Goods

Amsterdam Denim Days 2017: Street Styled, Denim Style Part II

A look at the inspiration and style of the denim elite.

In this second look at the characters on the street and behind the scenes of Amsterdam Denim Days, we see what it takes to be an Instagram legend, head to the 60s with Tenue de Nîmes and grab a beer with someone on the run.

Like Herding Cats


If you are a denimhead, then you are more than likely following Selvedge1 on Instagram. This Texas-based Instagram superstar, known as Victor to his friends, flew into town for the Amsterdam Denim Days. He could be seen running about shooting the entire event and, at points, managed the impossible. Herding the denimheads into an assembly for long enough for a group photo.  Here is a little taste of what went on behind this awesome shot!

The Face Behind the Show and the New Breed.

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Having worked for a trade show before, I can attest to how hectic it is. So I was grateful when Robert Grauwen, one of the ADD organisers took some time to have a chat and let me get a quick shot.

I was also able to catch up with a couple of the new breed of denim designers coming out of the Jeans School. I met Soufyan Benrhziyel way back when he was interning at Kings of Indigo, and Max Janssen during the opening of Denim City two years ago. Both great guys and going on to do great things. FYI, Max (in the blue jacket) is way friendlier than he looks!

Kings of Indigo – Triple-R Collection

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Ok, I didn’t see these out on the street, but the Triple-R collection from Kings of Indigo is so cool it is well worth a closer look. I love Kings of Indigo for their dedication to 100% organic cotton from the very beginnings of the brand. Even now as they are really blowing up, they stay dedicated to this principle.

I also love their wildcard pieces that feature in their seasonal collections. It is great to see a brand indulge in a flight of fancy! An extension of this is the Triple-R collection. Look closely and you can see they are stitched together from old stock.

Tenue de Nîmes x Levi’s Vintage Clothing

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The guys down at Tenue de Nîmes know how to throw a party! And combine this with the Summer of Love, you have a recipe for a damned good time. Summer of Love, you ask? Cast your mind back a few weeks ago when be brought you the Spring/Summer collection from Levi’s Vintage Clothing which takes its cues from that endless summer of 69. And to get us in the hippy mood, Celia Geraedts was on hand tie-dying bandanas using indigo and a number of other dye suffs to great effect.

And I’ll Leave You With this Dude.

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No Amsterdam Denim Day would be complete without a chat with Clint James, the gregarious denim repair guru at Denham the Jeansmaker. It’s always a laugh to hang around with this guy, especially when he was up for a sneaky beer or two at Tenue de Nîmes. Cheers brother!



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