Rope Dye Crafted Goods

Finding Your Perfect Jeans: Part 1, Setting Your Budget

Raw Denim Jeans. “How To” 101

As this is the first episode in the “how to” guide for getting the perfect pair of raw denim jeans, I think it is important to nail down the one thing which will have the most influence on the jeans you end up with. And that is Price.

I want to look at this first because it will influence all of the decisions you will make further down the line. It will influence the brands you will be looking at, the denim weights, the country of origin, the features of the jeans and so on. It will have an impact everything.

Price Per Wear

By this time I am sure you have had a good look round either in store or on the net, and you will have noticed one thing. These things ain’t cheap!

Now, when I tell my friends how much I spend on a pair of raw denim jeans, their jaws drop. The way I can explain this, and the way I justify this expenditure is talking about price per wear.

If you go along to the mall, you can easily pick up a pair of jeans for 50 – 70 bucks. If you compare this with a pair of raw selvedge denim jeans at 150 to 200 bucks, this seems to be a pretty big difference. However, what you get for that extra cash is something really special.

First off, you will get an item of clothing which will age with you. It will grow and evolve and become a unique item that is yours and yours alone. No two raw denims age alike. If this is a proper “project pair”, these jeans will be with you for years, basically, as long as they last. Every stain tells a story, as they say.

If you compare this with these mall-bought jeans, they will, more than likely, not last you nearly as long. That particular fashion might change and the quality will certainly not be nearly as good. You will not make the same emotional connection as you will with your project pair because as, I said, this is something that really belongs to you.

In the world of runaway consumerism and fast fashion, a garment which has narrative and longevity inherent in it is something really quite special.

If you break it down to the cost per day of wear, the cost starts to become really reasonable really quickly.

Find Your Features

There are certain features of high-end jeans which many denimheads go nuts for. Most of them are geeky things which are, if we are honest, a little bit of an indulgence but, we love them nonetheless. The likes of hidden rivets or fully lined back pockets, or maybe some special leather used for the back patch or some particularly exclusive denim. These things tend to come with a higher price point. And, if you have your heart set on one or all of them, you must set your budget accordingly.

Getting the Raw Denim Jeans You Really, Really Want

Let’s say you have decided on getting a pair of raw selvedge denim jeans. You have 100 bucks burning a hole in your pocket. You have your eye on your dream jeans but they are 200. So you rush out and buy the jeans you can afford, not the ones you really want. Big mistake!

The problem is, even though the jeans you are wearing may be amazing jeans, you will still be yearning after that pair you fell in love with in the first place. So, be patient, wait a while and save up a little more. Get that dream pair.

The act of saving up and waiting will start you off on a solid footing. You will be much more likely to create a much stronger connection with that dream pair than you will with your second choice and therefore be much more likely to really put in the time and effort needed to create that beautiful, unique fade.

The Ethics Involved

As an important aside and just to wrap this up. When you buy a pair of raw selvedge denim jeans you are much more likely (although not guaranteed) to get an item of clothing which is ethically made with the people manufacturing the jeans getting a fair wage and good working conditions. Now, this is something that is very close to my heart and influences all my purchases but it is such an expansive topic that we will cover it in another video.

Have a Good Think

For now, have a think to yourself about the points above – what are you looking for in a pair of jeans, where do you want them to come from and in reality, how much do you have to spend? There is no point in having an amazing pair of jeans if you can’t eat for the rest of the month. Or maybe there is? Jump into the comments and let us know!


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