Rope Dye Crafted Goods

Return of a Classic: The Red Wing 8180 Kangatan Is Back!

Red Wing 8180 Kangatan boot, from above-1

Inspired by the Boots of Heavy Hitter Ted Williams, the Iconic No. 888 Is Reimaged With the Red Wing 8180 Kangatan

Red Wing Heritage made boot enthusiasts happy when they announced that they would be re-releasing the Kangatan Portage Leather 8180 moc toe. The Kangatan leather has quite the story. It all started with the American baseballer Ted Williams.

Williams, also known as “The Kid,” was born Theodore Samuel Williams on August 30, 1918 in Southern California’s sunny San Diego. His parents were always busy, so the Kid soon found another family and home out on the baseball diamond. After playing several summers for the then San Diego Padres, he signed a deal with the Boston Red Sox in 1937; and from 1939 he played as left fielder. Williams would play for the Sox until 1942 when he was drafted into the army as a naval pilot. After the war, he returned and proved himself to be one of the greatest hitters in baseball, becoming the fifth player to hit over 400 home runs.

When Ted Williams wasn’t playing baseball, he often spent his time outdoors with his other passion; fishing. He soon became an expert in fly and deep sea fishing. Already a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame wasn’t, so in 2000 Willaims was inducted into the International Game Fish Association Hall of Fame. And it was his achievements as a fisherman that brought him together with Red Wing Shoes.


The Kid Gave Us the SuperSetter With the Kangatan Leather

Williams eventually made a deal with Sears to lend his talents as an outdoorsman and athlete to develop and market a line of household sports equipment for hunting, fishing, and, you guessed it, baseball. In 1963, they partnered with Red Wing Shoes to make the no. 888 SuperSetter; crafted to be the sport boot.

The original Red Wing 888 next to the new Red Wing 8180 Kangatan-1

The SuperSetter was not only a home run in terms of style; its premiere quality has long been an icon in American heritage. While the SuperSetter has been long retired and now sits in the Hall of Fame of American style, Red Wing is making a new boot inspired by the original. Like its predecessor, it is also called the Kangatan boot. And like the original, the 8180 also features the unique green sport styling that made the 888 an icon.

The 8180 is crafted in Red Wing, Minnesota and features the classic Traction Tred outsole, Goodyear Welt construction, nickeled brass hardware, and the unique green Kangatan Portage leather. It’s now available at the Red Wing Shoe Stores in Europe. As this is a special item within the collection, it’s only available while stocks last.

Red Wing 8180 Kangatan boot, walking-1

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