Rope Dye Crafted Goods

The 5 Most Popular Articles of 2013

The 5 Most Popular Articles of 2013

2013 has been a magnificent year for Denimhunters.

Not only are we now reaching more denim lovers than ever, we’ve also consolidated our status as one of the denim industry’s main information channels. And we have very high expectations for 2014.

To sum up a few of the highlights from this past year, we have put together a list of the 5 most popular articles of 2013.

5. Raw Denim Care

This article was actually published in April 2012, but it continues to score high on search engines as people search for best-practices of how to take care of their raw denim jeans.

Read it here.

4. How to Take Care of Your Red Wing Shoes

In combination with my own experiences, this article was built on Red Wing Heritage’s guide for how to maintain your leather boots. Coming in fourth in terms of total traffic for 2013, this is clearly a topic that interests many of our readers.

Read it here.

3. Brand Profile: Levi’s Vintage Clothing

I have to admit it, Levi’s Vintage Clothing is one of those brands that continues to receive quite a big amount of attention from myself and many of my fellow writers. Therefore, it’s not surprising that our write-up on the history of the brand is still one of our most popular articles.

Read it here.

2.  Dry Denim Wash Guide

Our wash guide to raw denim is probably the most important article you’ll find on the site – at least from my personal perspective. It captures the essence of everything we do; the hunt for the perfect fade – and it describes in great detail how I personally conduct one of the most crucial tasks in getting a good fade: the wash.

Read it here.

1. Guide: How to Date Vintage Levi’s Jackets

A little surprisingly, the most visited article of 2013 is Jan den Hartogh’s guide about how to determine the age of a Levi’s denim jacket. It is one of those articles that keeps getting a high amount of organic traffic as well as comments (mainly questions about putting a date – and value – to a Levi’s jacket).

But how did this article make it to the top of the traffic list?

Well, first of all it’s a great and very informative article. Secondly, and probably most importantly, this is a topic that hasn’t been covered much by other denim sites. And thirdly, it is built on a guide structure with short paragraphs, bullet points, and generally it uses very straightforward arguments.

Read it here.

The Conclusion

So, what can we learn from this?

It seems to be very clear that readers prefer the more technical and nerdy topics. Articles that in one way or the other can help them reach a goal, be it how to maintain your leather boots, how to wash your raw denim jeans or how to put a date on a vintage garment.

These are also some of the topics we are most excited about – and you should expect a lot more like 2013’s top 5 articles in 2014.

But to be certain our assumptions are correct we’ve put together a user survey that we would like you – our dear reader – to answer.

Click here to fill it out – it only takes a couple of minutes. Thank you for our help and your support, see you in 2014.

Photography: Jennifer Causey.

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